Lyric X Art 4 Kids Early Childhood Giveback 2023! Lyric X Art Donation to New Mission Temple Church of God in Christ annual Back to School event on 8/26/23. 100 Qty. Bags with, Crayons, Coloring books, Mini Basketball Hoops, Playdough, Spinning Tops, and Stickers! Lyric X Art also donated a small table - top pool table and large mini hoop to the youth program at New Mission Temple.
All Items pictured were free for the community to take as needed for Early childhood aged children in the Westside community of Lawndale at the event. As a small business we are elated to be able to provide toys and supplies like these too children in our communities.
This is our 6th annual give back as a brand and the 3rd year we have provided supplies to New Mission Temple Back to school event! As we expand as a business, would also like to expand donation and giveback efforts like these and beyond. We are inspired by brands and the philanthropic efforts of people this world! Peace and thank you for your continued support of this small business! #art #children #cutlure #dreambig #education #fashion #fun #games #peace #streetwear @lyricxartceo @lyricxart4kids #lyricxart